The wages are increasing in rugby compared to soccer and American football
No way
They are such different games it is not possible to say which is better. It is a matter of personal preference.
yess of course
Both Rugby League and Rugby Union, gaelic football, croquet, hurling, ladies football, camogie
Depends on what you prefer. Stereotypically girls prefer shopping and boys football, but it all depends on taste.
It isn't. People think it is because when the people show the football pitch, it looks bigger. When it's the rugby pitch they show it at the side so it looks smaller than a football pitch. From :)
Football meaning AFL or Soccer? Rugby League is more popular than soccer in Sydney also as well as AFL. Whole of Australia, AFL is most popular sport, and Rugby League is second and soccer is 4th just after cricket.
Football was created in the late 18th century by the evolved from the game rugby,which has a ball that is not made with pig skin,such as the football which is a more popular sport than rugby
The answer to that is currently unknown.