it is the team who will be serving the ball or the team who will put the ball to play.
ball, blank, tracer for sure.
It means not to throw it away
It is not a dead ball until someone downs (touches) it.
When you throw a ball, your hand applies force to the ball. The force propels the ball forward, giving it speed and direction.
George Braeger an his team
When one team serves the ball.
The defending team.
The opposite team's goal is to capture the ball from the other team who has the ball and the team which has the ball must score the ball in towards the opponent's hoop while also defending an d attacking, attackers must attack other members of the opposite team while the defending team defends the ball.
Swift paintball team are a paintball team based in england. they play speed ball and woods ball but are more for the speed ball
When one team serves the ball.