As air fills the Basketball, the pressure expands outward to make the outside of the ball feel harder. The valve on the outside of the ball allows the pump to put air in prevents air from escaping.
The pressure increases, and the molecules collide with the ball's inner surface.
The inside of the ball becomes filled with the air you pump in, thus inflating the ball and turning it from a flat ball to a round one.
no it wouldn't it would if u leave it out for a week
the basketball will most likely bounce higher on a flat surface
no it does not
A flat ball doesn't have a lot of air in it, so it doesn't bounce that well, where as a full basketball has less resistance, and therefore bounces higher. Basically, the difference is the amount of air in the basketball.
Use a pump to pump it up.
a flat surface.
a flat surface
Yes, wth the height of the bounce increasing with the amount of air in it. At flat basketball will hardly bounce at all. To make it bounce you need to pump it up with air until it is full (when you can't press your fingers into it and it is very hard).
I would just buy pump. Sport stores probably have pumps or in your in school, see your gym teacher
Screw it in using the threads on the needle and pump.