Actual games force players to play their best and hardest. Drills are something you slack until the end.
Purpose, tech. Skills, tactics, and drills.
In practice, you practice the skills you will need to play a game. You use drills and repetition to ground these skills into you muscle memory. During a game you just play the game to win, you do not participate in drills.
They have basketball drills so you cacn improve on your basketball skills. This comes in use when you are in a game, you use the skills you learnt.
you can get in shape by running then practice dribbling and then shooting from the inside to the outside shots then defence plays and drills and offence drills and finally scrimmage.tress the fundamentals (you should spend 75% of your practice time working on fundamentals).Incorporate drills that simulate game situations.Vary drills.Use motivation phrases from the great players.Show your passion and determination in practice--not just in ga.keep practicing the basicsFocus on specific basketball skills in drills.Mentally approach practice as you would a game.Don't practice sloppy.Know and practice up to your position expectations.Use scrimmages that are competitive.Study and know the rules of the game.Encourage, Support, Demonstrate and Improve.
EVERYTHING would be the best answer. this includes shooting, defending, dribbling, trapping, throwins, keeper skills (if desired), speed and agility drills, ect. all of these skills are important.
Basketball drills can be learned many places. There are many academies and privat school where is posible to learn a lot of diferents bascket skills and drills.
practice on a staircase at home- do "step up drills" and make sure to stay tight and lock out. when flying, always smile and look up! if you look down, you will lose you balence! SMILE! :)
A speech-language pathologist can perform drills and exercises with a person that include practice in naming objects and following directions to try to improve skills. Group therapy also is an option.
Basketball drills help enhance your basketball skills. From anywhere such as dribbling, passing, shooting, defense, play-making, etc. These drills will help you on the court when you play any basketball related game.
practice, practice, PRACTICE !
I think the best thing you can do is practice your ball handling/dribbling skills. Set up cones and weave in and out of them with the ball. Kick the ball against a concrete wall if you don't have a goal available to you.