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It'll help with overall performance. It allows oxygenated blood to travel through your body for longer durations. When you start to exercise/expend more energy than normal, your body demands more oxygen. The longer you can provide oxygenated blood to your body, the longer you can perform; i.e. running with a football. When you start using more oxygen than you are taking in, your body is stuck with to much lactate in the blood. You generally see this when someone has to stop running and is gasping for air. They are trying to blow off the excess CO2 and take in more oxygen.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Football as in American because if you are talking about that kind then because you have to go up against 200-300 pounds guys trying to tackle you when you're running.

If you're talking football as in soccer then you have 90 mins. of pure running/sprinting/jogging with no time outs or stopping of the clock. I mean if you're not part of the play then you get a little bit of a break to jog up the field to get with the play but still, you have 90 minutes of running.

Hope this helped!!!

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Because they run back & forth throughout the game.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

it helps strengthen muscle tissue, and it helps the body supply oxygen to muscles and cells (builds more stamina)

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βˆ™ 12y ago

stamina is our confidence,

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Q: Why do you need cardiovascular endurance in football?
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Why do footballers need cardiovascular fitness?

If you have that endurance you will be able to run fast for longer.

Why is Cardiovascular Endurance important for football?

Well most sports require a decent cardiovascular system. However, football is more of a power sport. You need short, but powerful bursts of energy for that sport. Power is more important in football than cardio. Different positions require different attributes, but mostly power is the key.

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You require cardiovascular endurance, speed, muscular endurance, co-ordination and body composition to be able to run.

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Some jobs that involve good physical stamina include basketball, football, arena football, hockey, soccer, rugby, and wrestling.

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NO i.e. my dear bender of a friend matty green

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