I think that they do this to protect their knees from impact with the volleyball court. This could cause an injury to the knees, or at least bruise them up. In the volleyball game there is very much diving for the ball, kneeling to save the ball("knee save") and even if you know how to dive correctly, you are at great risk of hurting your knees. Additionally, women/girls don't want to have any bruise/ scrape on their knees, because they want to look beautifull and probably nobody thinks that these scrapes, bruises or floor burns are something pretty, interesting or sexy! I noticed, that the difference between women and men in wearing knee pads in volleyball is very great( of course more ladies wear knee pads than men).
Volleyball players wear knee pads to prevent injury on their knees when they dive for the ball, such as floor burns.
Also, for volleyball players who tend to land on their knees when they go for the ball, usually they'd have a much easier time sliding into it, rather than getting their skins caught on sticky gym floors.
You don't have to, but dedicated players often dive forward to save a ball. Knee pads protect them from getting all beat up.
No, you can wear knee pads that go on your knees to help with digging.
women volleyball players normally wear spandex shorts and their team jersey. they also wear their knee pads and knee socks to protect their legs from digging. and of course they wear tennis shoes. guys wear shorts team jersey and knee pads along with ankle socks and shoes.
you have to wear kneepads when you are playing volleyball because the pads protect your knee from breaking and busting when a hard serve is served. The kneepads have a soft little pillow in all kneepads to keep from hurting your knee so you can't play any sports.
yeahh, they have alot more padding that softball knee pads. volleyball players have to be protected while their diving onto their knees and such. softball players (mostly only the younger ones wear knee pads) dont need as much padding on their knees because although they dive and slide, it is usually not onto their knees. gym floors are also alot harder and hurt worse than the ground (i know from experience! lol)
Helmets, elbow pads, knee braces, gloves
They wear many.... you have your basic shoulder pads, knee pads, hip pads,thigh pads tail bone pads and your cup.
spandex shorts, knee pads,tennis shoes and a team jersey
Volleyball is not good for your knees but its not necisarily bad for them either. Usually, volleyball players wear knee pads for protection, but without them, yes it would be bad. Volleyball is actually bad for your ankles. If you've ever seen volleyball players with black or gray braces on their ankle, it's because when they land, they unsettle the ankle bone and criteria.
typically if your on a team you wear spandex shorts your jersey knee pads tall socks and sneakers