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Volleyball is not good for your knees but its not necisarily bad for them either. Usually, volleyball players wear knee pads for protection, but without them, yes it would be bad. Volleyball is actually bad for your ankles. If you've ever seen volleyball players with black or gray braces on their ankle, it's because when they land, they unsettle the ankle bone and criteria.

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Q: Is volleyball good for your knees?
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Do you wear shin pads in volleyball?

No, you can wear knee pads that go on your knees to help with digging.

Why do volleyball players wear knee pads?

I think that they do this to protect their knees from impact with the volleyball court. This could cause an injury to the knees, or at least bruise them up. In the volleyball game there is very much diving for the ball, kneeling to save the ball("knee save") and even if you know how to dive correctly, you are at great risk of hurting your knees. Additionally, women/girls don't want to have any bruise/ scrape on their knees, because they want to look beautifull and probably nobody thinks that these scrapes, bruises or floor burns are something pretty, interesting or sexy! I noticed, that the difference between women and men in wearing knee pads in volleyball is very great( of course more ladies wear knee pads than men).

What do you wear to volleyball tryouts?

basketball shorts or regular workout shorts, plain t-shirts(if you already havent been given one from school) and sneakers along with volleyball pads for your knees

What to wear to volleyball tryouts?

Basketball shorts or regular workout shorts, plain t-shirts(if you already havent been given one from school) and sneakers along with volleyball pads for your knees

Why do volleyball players wear kneepads?

So if they fall they won't scrape their knees. But they were invented because in 1919 when people(mostly men) jumped to spike the ball, they would scrape their knees against the net.

Are Reebok's good tennis shoes for volleyball?

Yes, most tennis shoes are good for volleyball.

What are the different kinds of equipments used in playing volleyball?

There are a number of different kinds of equipment used in playing volleyball. You need a net, a ball, players, and usually some sort of protective gear for the wrists and knees.

The exercise in volleyball is it good and how good?

Good. Very good.

What is a good magnesium joke?

What do you use when your knees are sore? Mag-Knees-ium

What disadvantage of play volleyball?

Jumping and diving so much can be damaging to the knees if they are not protected safely. It also takes a lot of time from a person.

What are some good ways to strengthen my knees?

Some good ways to strengthen your knees would be to perform exercises which would strengthen the muscles around your knees. Low impact sports would help to build muscles on your knees as well.