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Cheerleading is not always considered a sport because it is not always competitive. The definiton of a sport is: an activity with rules or customs engaged in competitively, so if you are talking about competitive cheer then yes that is a sport. In addition, the flips and air stunts require specialized training and top physical condition.

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13y ago
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12y ago

People dont believe it's a sport because they are jealous that they dont have the streingth, stamina, loyalty, and dedication. If they did they would tryout but they probabally wouldn't make to team! :)

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12y ago

Because, people have the image of a cheerleader as a girl in a short skirt, jumping around shouting GO TEAM GO! Whereas they think of a gymnast as an athlete. People don't think about the truly difficult things cheerleaders do. All-star cheerleaders do many of the same things as gymnasts, plus they stunt.

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14y ago

Those who consider cheerleading a sport consdier it so for many reasons:

1. It is competitive, and cheerleaders do compete

2. There is an official governing body the USASF for All-Star and NCA for school

3. It requires heavy athletic talent in the fields of gymnastics, flexibility, strength, and many other

4. It's high risk and dangerous

Those who argue against it say that when judges determine a score, it is not based on pure athletic talent, but on the opinion of a third party.

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12y ago

i think that the reason why people prefer other sports to gymnastics is because it is a risk even for the professional that enter at the olympic standard have to be care because one wrong move and it could ruin a career.

personally i think that gymnastics is a great sport and i admire all the gymnasts out there what ever age your all amasing !!!!

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12y ago

gymnastics is in the Olympics because gymnastics is not a huge sport so that is why a lot of small sports r in the Olympics so they can be big 1 every 4 years.

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10y ago

Cheerleading is a sport. It takes a lot of practice and work to be a cheerleader. People just don't consider it as a sport for some reason.

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12y ago

Because they're STUPID!

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Q: Why do some people think that cheer leading is not a sport?
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How did society react to cheerleading?

some people that don't like cheerleading think that its not a sport and that if guys do it then they are gay. but if people like cheer then they think that it is a sport

Why is cheeerleading a sport?

Cheer leading IS a sport. Most people think it is for girly girls but it actually takes more skill than soccer does. A cheerleader need more coordination than any other sport they will play except for softball. A cheerleader needs to have coordination, strengh, flexibility, aerobics and SPIRIT So for everyone who says you are such a cheerleader you might want to take that back because cheer leading takes skill and its NOT JUST FOR GIRLS!!!!! Guys are known to be great cheerleaders!!!!! SIGN UP TODAY

Is cheerleading a sport in America?

I would say that cheerleading is in fact a sport because it includes physical activity and stimulates the heart.And also, if you think about it, weight-lifting is considered a sport, and they lift weights......but cheerleaders lift PEOPLE....which requires more strength. So, YES it is! i definetly agree with that... cheer is way more of a sport than alot. if you don't like cheer, and don't think it is a sport, try it out, and then come and tell me.

From a player's perspective do cheer-leading activities have any effect on their contribution to the game - or are they just irrelevant and extraneous to the progress of the game?

Some people think cheerleaders motivate players and improve their game, yet others think they are distracting. Some forms of cheerleading is a sport within itself.

What are the forces involved in cheer leading?

You need to have corrdination, balance, skill, don't worry about what people think of you, and to just have fun and do your best! Good luck

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I think good Queen Vicky liked cricket.

New England Patriots 1971 cheer leading squad photographs?

I don't think there were cheerleaders, and if there were I don't think there are any photos.

is 127.3 Lbs to heavy to stunt in high school cheer leading?

i think it is way too heavy to stunt

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alot of people think dance is a sport but why would it not be a sport people alomost everydaay have a dance compotetion

How popular is cheerleading?

No. There is a common misconception that all cheerleaders are popular stuck up brats. They are not. Of course, some are, but it is not all about being popular. Infact, anyone who cheers to be popular, should not be cheering.

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Type your answer here... 4.3 thousand people think that skateboarding is not a sport

Is cheerleading a good sport?

This has actually become a controversy in the past few years. Back in the "old days," cheering was seen as a female activity, where girls would cheer for the boys, and that is all it was-- they would recite cheers and maybe do some dance moves. But in the past several decades, cheer-leading has become more of an athletic event. Boys and young men are participating, there are often acrobat routines that involve tumbling or jumping, and the possibility of injury is very real. In some schools and at some professional events, cheer-leaders are just very beautiful young women who are expected to lead the crowd in showing support for the team. But more and more, cheer-leading is turning into an elaborate spectacle, with participants not only reciting the cheers but doing gymnastic moves. So, yes, these days, it certainly looks to me like cheering has become an actual sport.other views:Cheer-leading is a sport because, you have to lift, throw, dance and a whole lot of other things. Therefore it is a sport. It is a dangerous one also I have been dropped numerous times and it doesn't feel the best. Just because we don't shoot hoops or anything we cheerleaders are in a sport we throw girl up in the air same thing as a basketball or football just a person and you have to make sure to catch then.YES, CHEER IS VERY MUCH SO A SPORT. Competitive cheer is more of a sport than just sideline cheer. In competitive cheer you have to through someone in the air, AND catch them. You have to hold them there, make sure they don't fall, walk with them, etc. While sometime football players, or basketball players throw maybe a 5 pound ball and occasionally catch it. But, in cheer we 99.9% of the time catch the girl that can be up to 100 pounds! 20 times the size.Just watch The Blind Side, they have the proper answer.