

How many people think that skateboarding is not a sport?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Type your answer here... 4.3 thousand people think that Skateboarding is not a sport

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Q: How many people think that skateboarding is not a sport?
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During my (almost) two years of skateboarding many people have asked me the same question "sport or hobby?" Here is my answer... I have skated for about 2 years and during my time as a skater many people have asked me; "is skateboarding a sport or a hobby?" I have never been able to come up with a clear answer, but this is what I think... Skateboarding originated from surfing so to, ask this question to skateboarding you must first ask about surfing. Most surfers would answer; "I do it as a hobby" but of course surfing has a large sporting industry. Most people who skate they start skating because they saw someone else skate and they started, then they learn a couple of tricks, then they watch a couple Yoruba voids, then they get really hooked on it and eventually becomes (their) sport. I started off doing it as a hobby, but now mostly i use it as transport so IBM considering getting a longbow. So in the end i say skateboarding is both its even a form of transport skateboarding is great exorcise and fun!

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