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Q: Why do softball players need anaerobic stamina?
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Why do you need a gill in softball?

you dont. i play softball and i have no clue what a gill is. far as my knowledge, fish need gills, not softball players.

Why do hockey players need stamina?

you need stamina because they need to be fast so the other team doesn't take away the puck

Why is softball needs to be organized among players before playing?

Because the teams need players to play a part in the game.

What can you inject in a softball to make it harder?

Nothing, real ball players dont need loaded softball bats or doctored balls. Man up, practice a little and get better.

How many people well it need to play softball?

you only need about 8 or 9 players but you might need a few extra in case of injury.

How Soccer players use maths?

To see how long there stamina is,the can run around without water and to see how long they need to train for.

How do soccer players use math?

To see how long there stamina is,the can run around without water and to see how long they need to train for.

What are some qualifications to be a profesional softball player?

I dont think that there are very many professional jobs for softball players like there is baseball. But in order to make it to the top you need to be better than "really good"

Is lacrosse an aerobic or anaerobic sport?

Lacrosse is a mix of both aerobic and anaerobic elements. Players need endurance for running around the field (aerobic), as well as short bursts of intense energy for sprinting, dodging, and shooting (anaerobic). Training programs for lacrosse players typically incorporate both aerobic and anaerobic exercises.

What do softball players major in?

Softball players can major in anything that they want to major in. Just because you are a student athlete, doesn't mean you have to study a specific topic. Many schools do give student-athletes priority registration so they can get the classes they need to graduate while working around their practice and game schedule.

Need examples on why softball is easy?

Softball isn't easy.

How is baseball and softball related?

They are realted by having the same concept. Players need to hit the ball, get on base,and score and they need to be able to stop the ball. The rules, bases, and the ball and bates are some differences.