you only need about 8 or 9 players but you might need a few extra in case of injury.
how many people in the world are playing softball?
10 or 9
9 people play on the softball field at once
There should be 9 on one team but you need 2 teams to play so for a game there would have to be 18 people for pitcher, catcher, 1st, 2nd and 3rd baseman, shortstop, Left right and center field. There alsa has to be people batting so 9 people on each team would be fine! So 18 players in all well i hope that helped(:
you dont. i play softball and i have no clue what a gill is. far as my knowledge, fish need gills, not softball players.
You can play softball as long as you like just not a grandma. There is pro softball, so you can play softball as long as you like.
9 on the field in fastpitch and 10 in slowpitch
yes you need to work hard to get the job of a softball player and by the way softball i hard to play!!!!
Not necessarily, most softball recruiting is done through travel/summer teams. Also, many softball programs are not that good and could be considered a waste of time.
130 girls play softball, soccer, or both
30865 like Tristan fabila by Tristan fabila