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They wear pads in Lacrosse because they could get hurt.

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Q: Why do boys have to wear pads in lacrosse?
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Can you wear hockey elbow pads for lacrosse?

yes you can wear hockey elbow pads for lacrosse

Can Lacrosse goalies wear leg pads?

Box lacrosse goalies do wear leg pads made of hard plastic material like a big shin guards, in field lacrosse goalies can only wear soccer style shin guards

Do lacrosse players wear pads if so where are the pads?

Yes they do the pads are located on the shoulders like football players

What do lacrosse players wear?

Girls lacrosse players wear a mouthguard and eye goggles. Thier uniform consists of a jersey, usually a tank top, and a skirt with spandex underneath. Boys lacrosse players wear a lacrosse helmet, shoulder pads, elbow pads, adn rib pads. Girls goalies wear a helmet, a chestguard, padded pants, shinguards, and gloves. Boys goalies wear the same.

What equipment is needed for boys high school lacrosse?

Stick Helmet Shoulder Pads Gloves Arm pads Athletic cup Mouthpiece Cleats

What equipment does a girl lacrosse goalie wear?

Helmet with facemask and throat guard attached, chest protector, arm pads, leg pads, jill, padded gloves- this is for box lacrosse

In lacrosse do you wear shoulder pads over or under youre shirt in practice?

Over. I usually wear an Under Armour or other tight-fitting shirt and my pads over those.

What type of clothing is worn in lacrosse?

In girls lacrosse-kilts(skirts) are worn at games, including goggles, soccer shoes, jerseys, and mouthgards. In boys lacrosse-pads, helmets, mouthguards, jerseys, and soccer shoes.

What are boys lacrosse uniforms like?

Similar to football uniforms, a lacrosse uniform consists of a jersey with sleeves designed to go over shoulder pads. Lacrosse pants hang below the knees and tend to be baggy.

What is lacrosse played with?

Lacrosse is played with a Stick and Multiple pads. Including, A helmet, shoulder pads, etc.

What gear do you wear in lacrosse?

women wear eye protection such as goggles, a mouth guard, gloves(optional), and use their stick or crosse. men wear helments with a face guard, mouth guard, padded gloves, and shoulder, rib, and arm pads, they also use their crosse

What is something boys wear that starts with e?

earmuffs,elbow pads,eyeglasses,