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yes you can wear hockey elbow pads for Lacrosse

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13y ago

no lacrosse pads are different if u try-ed u would not have a good shot

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Q: Can you wear hockey elbow pads for lacrosse?
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Related questions

Why do boys have to wear pads in lacrosse?

They wear pads in lacrosse because they could get hurt.

What protective gear do players wear during a game in Ice Hockey?

they wear knee and elbow pads , helmet's ,shoulder blades

Why do the players wear helmets and knee pads?

in ice hockey you will need a helmet neck guard chest protecter/shoulder pads elbow pads, jack(M) or jill(F) hockey pants, hockey socks, shin pads and good skates.

Why don't goalies wear elbow pads in lacrosse?

Goalies don't have to wear arm pads because they don't need to (unless the league u play in requires them, but that is rare) and the pads limit they're range of motion. But really the goalie himself makes the decision as to wear them or not and some like and some dislike.

What do lacrosse players wear?

Girls lacrosse players wear a mouthguard and eye goggles. Thier uniform consists of a jersey, usually a tank top, and a skirt with spandex underneath. Boys lacrosse players wear a lacrosse helmet, shoulder pads, elbow pads, adn rib pads. Girls goalies wear a helmet, a chestguard, padded pants, shinguards, and gloves. Boys goalies wear the same.

List every thing that hockey player's have to wear?

Cup, Shin pads, socks, pants, chest portector, elbow pads, jersey,skates, helmet, neck guard, gloves, stick

Can Lacrosse goalies wear leg pads?

Box lacrosse goalies do wear leg pads made of hard plastic material like a big shin guards, in field lacrosse goalies can only wear soccer style shin guards

Outline the kind of safety aids that players in a range of sports might use to prevent injuries?

equipment wise there are: helmets (football, baseball/softball ,hockey, lacrosse) men usually wear cups soccer and field hockey there are shin guards baseball players wear guards when hitting to protect the side facing th pitcher football, hockey, and lacrosse players wear all types of padding volleyball players sometimes wear pads on their knees field hockey and female lacrosse players wear eye masks strething can be considered an aid for preventing injuries

Do lacrosse players wear pads if so where are the pads?

Yes they do the pads are located on the shoulders like football players

What is the difference between volleyball and hockey?

No, lacrosse is not the same thing as field hockey. In field hockey you use a stick with a curved base on the ground and hit it to your team mate, or you can dribble it up the field. The goal in field hockey is much bigger than a lacrosse goal. In lacrosse you throw and catch a ball using a stick with a net and you can run with the ball in you stick. Lacrosse is a much faster paced game too. In lacrosse you wear eye protection and a mouth guard, in field hockey you wear shin guards and a mouth guard. Both sports are really fun.

Gears that hockey is played in?

full hockey gear requires: skates, shin pads, a cup, pants, shoulder pads, elbow pads, gloves, a helmet and a stick. Players also wear socks over their shin pads and a jersey over their torso. Optional gear includes neck guards, wrist guards, visor or cage, and a mouthguard, among others.

What sports wears the most padding?

My guess would be Ice Hockey. Given that American football players wear shoulder and leg pads as well as a helmet; ice hockey players are required to wear a helmet, shoulder pads, padded pants, elbow pads, and shin/knee pads. Don't forget the padded skates, gloves, and mouthguards!