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because the losing team sucked balls

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Q: Why did the people in the Aztecs sacrifice the losing team in sport?
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Did the Aztecs do sport?

Yes. Ullamaliztli.

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Did the Aztecs have any sport?

Yes they did its called Tachli it's like football and basketball combined. Their difference is that their "basketball hoop" was a vertically hung stone ring. Their "football" was a heavy solid rubber ball. Players were not allowed to use their hands, only their body and legs. The Aztecs believed Tachtli was a sport their gods played with the stars in the stadium of the heavens. Tachtli was replicated on earth in honor of the gods. The winning team was allowed to take any possession from the spectators. The audience of the losing team would quickly escape before their clothes were taken away. Many people believe that the losing team was sacrificed to the gods, but many archeologist's have been debating on weather this is true or not.

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some people believe they wont win at sport withought them

Why do people play snooker?

He is one of the most naturally gifted snooker players in the world. He enjoys the sport when he is winning and hates it when he is losing.

What sports did early Americans play?

Aztecs played a sport called Tachli that was a little like basketball and soccer. It had differences, for example, their "basketball hoop" was a vertically hung stone ring. Their "basketball" was a heavy solid rubber ball. Aztecs believed Tachtli was the sport their gods played with the stars in the stadium of the heavens. Tachtli was replicated on earth in honor of the gods. The winning team was allowed to take any possession from the spectators. The people of the audience would quickly escape before their clothes were taken away. Worse than being in the audience, was being on the losing team. They were sacrificed. Aztec sports, like Tachtli, were made to honor and imitate Aztec gods.

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Grade school. Driving a car. Winning a sport. Losing a sport. Fishing. Camping. Roller Coasters.

Why do people drop out of sport?

People drop out of a sport because they are injured. People also drop out of a sport because they do not like the sport or because they are not any good at it.

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A cheerleaders role is to be a positive influence for people of your school and support your team whether they are losing or winning. As a cheerleader ,you are always seen as inflence. The role of all star cheerleaders is slightly different. They represent the sport that cheerleaders is. It is like any other sport that people do. People play softball or basketball because they love the sport ,and that

How many people think dance is a sport?

alot of people think dance is a sport but why would it not be a sport people alomost everydaay have a dance compotetion

What role of sportsmanship plays both individually and group athletic activities?

Keeping to the rules of the sport lets everybody enjoy it which is the point of sport as if you cheat people get angry and do not enjoy themselves. Sportsmanship such as putting the ball out for a throw in when someone is injured, in football gives the game a more friendly air and again stops people losing tempers.

Is Drifting a Sport?

Drifting is not a sport. It is what people use in the sport called NASCAR.