People drop out of a sport because they are injured. People also drop out of a sport because they do not like the sport or because they are not any good at it.
I don't know chace crawfords favorite sport but I do no that he's drop dead georgous
I don't know chace crawfords favorite sport but I do no that he's drop dead georgous
drop the pan...
There really isn't an answer to this question. Since some people don't like certain sports and some people like certain sports. But if this question was what is the boringest sport in the world in your opinion. I would have said football I think golf is the most boringest sport because all you do is swing! I agree but not the football part
Not really....but if you decide to play a sport your grades get better
alot of people think dance is a sport but why would it not be a sport people alomost everydaay have a dance compotetion
it is a sport
drop the soap :D chloe, josh, tanisha
it is inside of the gas tank you have to drop the tank down to get at it
No. It is not a sport or a team sport. But lots of people like to play it and say its a sport. :)
The sport of wrestling was the reason why I didn't drop out of high school, and got a college education. Please save our sport in the Olympics.
most people travel for sport purposes, because they want to support their team or to do sport them selves- like skiing.