Arsenal is way better than Manchester United and Manchester City!
Arsenal is way better than Manchester United and Manchester City!
Manchester united are better than arsenal
As far as history, Manchester United has more trophies than Arsenal, and are currently doing better in the Premier league.
arsenal have beaten Manchester utd way more times
Manchester United are much better than Liverpool FC. Manchester United FC has many more honors.defnently Liverpool are better than manu!
Manchester united is better than bolton
Barcelona are far better then Manchester United.
Manchester United is a better than Chelsea F.C. as Manchester United are ranked 3rd in Europe and Chelsea F.C. are 7th.
Man United are champions of Greater Manchester, the Northwest, England, Europe, and the world. --- Arsenal is the worlds best team. Arsenal even beat Barcelona 2-1 on February 16, while Man U got shredded 3-1 at the champions league final. Arsenal even beat Man U 8-2 at Old Trafford in August. ---
Arsenal - 39 Honours Liverpool - 63 Honours Liverpool
At the moment, Manchester United are better than Inter Milan, :) (2012)