Current Left Footed kickers in the NFL: David Akers, Morton Anderson, Sebastian Janikowski, Joe Nedney, and John Kasay. I'm sure there's more..
In the 1970 season, Garo Yepremian of the Miami Dolphins was the only left footed kicker in the NFL.
Yes, they can. An NFL team can be entirely composed of kickers if such a team wanted to, but obviously, that would never happen.
The are no black punters or kickers in the NFL.
a uniform
Maradona was left footed.
Nick Folk
yes, there are multiple camps kickers can go to and get DOES cost money though..
Quarterbacks and kickers.
Jason elam
the Gramaticas
No. But he was the last of the straight-on kickers in the NFL.
left footed
Right Footed