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Q: Who was the referee who gave a football player 3 yellow cards in the world cup?
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Did any football referee give a red card to himself?

A referee can only show cards to players, and since the referee himself is not a player he cannot receive red cards. A referee may remove themselves of their duties if they are unable to continue.

What is the Two yellow cards rule in football?

A first yellow card is shown by the referee to the player guilty of an infringement. If the same player warrants a second yellow card later on in the game, the referee will show the second yellow card, and will then immediately show a red card and send the player off the pitch.

How many things does a referee take onto a football pitch?

As far as I know, a referee takes on his book where he records win/loss/fouls and other such thing. He also bring a stopwatch, whistle, and red and yellow cards.

What is the penalty for not reporting a goalie change to the referee in soccer?

According to the Laws of the Game, this would be sanctioned by cautioning the goalie and the player that switched and showing them both yellow cards.

Who in football has had no yellow cards?

Joey Barton

Can the sidelines referee give cards?

No, they can't. Only referees can give cards. However, a sideline can suggest to th referee that a player should be booleed or sent off. But the referee takes the final decision

What is the purpose of the cards in a football game?

They are used to give warnings to players and to indicate what kind of warning it is. A yellow card is for a serious offence. If a player gets a second yellow card, they will be sent off. A very serious offence will warrant a red card and the player is sent off immediately. By using cards it makes it easier for the crowds to know what decision the referee has made. Referees often talk to players for various reasons, so the cards help the crowds know when it is a serious issue.

Where can you find how many cards a football player has received in his career?

See below site- Some players like Yaya Toure have had no red cards at all and 3 yellow cards, and some players like Tomas Repka have had about 18 red cards and 22 yellow cards (lol)

Are yellow cards still used in football?


Witch colour card in football does a referee use to give a warning to a player?

A penalty is a type of kick given for a foul by a defender against an attacker while inside the penalty area. Cards are show for misconduct; yellow for a caution and red for a send off. **If a player is shown 2 yellow cards for misconduct, he/she is shown a RED CARD and the player is expelled from the game. It is possible that a penalty kick may be given with no misconduct, so no card would be shown.

Why was red yellow cards introduced in football?

Originally, a player needed only to be notified that he was cautioned or sent off in order for that sanction to be applied. In the era of international play, language barriers sometimes prevented this notification from being properly administered. Referee Ken Aston introduced the concept of showing yellow and red cards to indicate cautions and sendings-off, respectively, in 1966 in order to traverse language barriers.

Name the English referee who mistakenly gave three yellow cards to the same player during a match in the final stages of the FIFA World Cup finals in 2006?

Graham Poll