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The University of Hawaii Rainbow Warriors have a football and a basketball program. Homolulu used to have a triple A team called the Islanders but they relocated a few years ago.
A rainbow shot in basketball is simply a shot that goes incredibly higher than most, there are also rainbow passes, which are also known as a lolli pass.
a basketball player
Shooting the basketball in a very high arch. That is called a rainbow shot.
Britney the Basketball Fairy is the forth book.
A basketball player shooting a shot with a very high arch is making what is called a rainbow shot.
F2N2 Fantasy Football - 2012 A Rainbow in Time 1-3 was released on: USA: 27 December 2012
Aim and shoot and make it go like a rainbow.
The current Carlow manager of the Gaelic Football team is Anthony Rainbow (September 2012).
University of Hawaii Warriors...formerly the Rainbow Warriors...formerly the Rainbows.