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Probably Jamie Dwyer.

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Q: Who is the best field hockey sweeper?
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Related questions

What does a sweeper do in hockey?

the sweeper stays back in defence and moves from either side of the field to where ever the ball goes and tries to stop the opposing team from getting to the goal and scoring.

Who is the best womens field hockey player?

In my view it is Luciana Aymar. She is the Diego Maradona of field hockey.

What is the name for ice hockey sweeper?

The zamboni, or the zamboni driver.

What is a sweeper in field hockey?

The sweeper is a deep defensive position; basically, they are the last line of defence besides the goalkeeper. They normally never leave their own 23-metre area, and are there to clear the ball away from the goal or goalkeeper at any time. They are often the strongest defender on the team, and sweeper is almost a specialist role.

Where do hockey players play?

On the field (best kind), the ice, gym floor, or pavement.

How many players are there during a field hockey game?

In field hockey, there are 11 players on each team. Usuallly that includes, 3 defenders, a sweeper, two wings, three midfielders, one centre forward and a goal keeper

Who was the most famous field hockey player ever?

Dhyan Chand is by far the best field hockey player th@ ever was or will be.

Which country plays the best field hockey?

There are a lot of good field hockey countries but the best for men are probably the Netherlands, Germany and Australia and the best for women are probably Argentina, the Netherlands and Australia.

Who are the top 10 FIELD hockey players in the world?

The very best field hockey player is Tourn de Nooijer, the Dutch Captain.

Who is the best national women field hockey team?


Who is asia's best field hockey player?

Sohail Abbas

What brand of field hockey stick is the best?

Grays and TK