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Actually they are both safe... for now, but play is still live. The lead runner is safe. The trailing runner has to go back to his previous base before being tagged out or running out of the baseline. Or, the lead runner has to advance to the next base before being tagged out, leaving the trailing runner safe at the double-occupied base.

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Q: Who is out if 2 players occupy the same base and no one is tagged?
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Lead runner has the right to the bag as long as they are not being forced ahead by occupants of other bases. If the runner on 3rd was not being forced they can return to the bag and the runner from 2nd must return to 2nd. The runner returning to second if tagged is out and unless the runner returning to 3rd is tagged while off the base then they are safe. If both runner attempt to occupy the base at the same time and fielder tags both runners while they occupy the base the runner from 2nd is out unless they are being forced ahead then the runner from 3rd is out.

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In baseball? This is not allowed. The lead runner must attempt to advance to the next base; if it is tagged with the ball before the runner reaches it that runner is out.

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