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Lead runner has the right to the bag as long as they are not being forced ahead by occupants of other bases. If the runner on 3rd was not being forced they can return to the bag and the runner from 2nd must return to 2nd. The runner returning to second if tagged is out and unless the runner returning to 3rd is tagged while off the base then they are safe. If both runner attempt to occupy the base at the same time and fielder tags both runners while they occupy the base the runner from 2nd is out unless they are being forced ahead then the runner from 3rd is out.

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Q: What if a runner rounds third then retreats only to find a runner from second is now on third and he retreats to second but is tagged out what happens to the runner on third?
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What is a lead runner?

The lead runner is the runner at the base closest to home plate when there is more than one runner on base. If there are runners on second base and third base, the runner on third base is the lead runner. If there are runners on first and second, the runner on second is the lead runner. If there is only one runner on base, there is no lead runner.

Man on 1st with 1 out The ball is hit to 2nd then 2nd throws the ball to 1stbatter out The runner then runs to 2nd 1st baseman throws to second but runner retreats back to first then is tagged?

That would be a 4-3-6-3 Double play. The defense is labeled by numbers as so: 1- Pitcher 2- Catcher 3- First base 4- Second base 5- Third Base 6- Shortstop 7- Left field 8- Center field 9- Right field The second baseman would be starting the play(4), as the shortstop covers second to cut down the runner coming from first, the second baseman makes the out at first base (3), after the out is make the first baseman tries to make the out at second, with the shortstop covering (6), but as the runner retreats to first the shortstop throws him out, making the last out at first (3). All together, 4-3-6-3. However in most cases, the second baseman's first play should be to second, but as we all know in baseball things don't always go as planed.

What is a double steal?

say there is a runner on 1st and 2nd. the runner on second would run to 3rd and be safe then the runner on 1st would run twould be safeo second and say there is a runner on 1st and 2nd. the runner on second would run to 3rd and be safe then the runner on 1st would run twould be safeo second and

In baseball can a runner on second run back to first while the runner on first goes to second?

NO. Base runner's must run the bases in the order they batted. If a runner overtakes another runner, he is automatically out.

Bases loaded 1 out ball is hit to firstbaseman who tags runner and throws home is it a force at home still and can runners revert?

Yes all the other bases are a force out. The runner going to first forces the runner at first to second. The runner at first forces the runner at second to third. The runner at second forces the runner at third to home. You only have to tag the runner when a runner that was "forcing" you (from a previous base) is out. In the scenario you have mentioned the only time the third baseman would have had to tag the runner from second to third would be if the initial force out was behind the runner at either at first or second (the putout thus not forcing the runner from second to third, which would now require a tag. If the initial force out was at first or second, the runner on second would have the choice of going to third or retreating to second, and not "forced" to run. Since the initial force out was at home, the runner from second to third is still being "forced" to run by the runners behind him. Make sense?

What is the name of the third person who wins in a competition?

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Can a second baseman go in the base line of second when runner is coming from first?

if he interferes with the runner that would be called obstruction