Field Hockey, in its modern form, was first played in the early 1870s by Middlesex (London) cricket clubs, particularly Teddington, as an alternative winter sport for those who didn't want to play football.
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Ice Hockey (or a game similar to it) was played by the indigenous people of Canada. It was when European settlers begun to populate Canada that this game was adapted and refined into the style that we know today.
Check the link below for a more comprehensive history.
Hockey - in modern times it become known as the Canadian game and there's no doubt about it! But where did it begin and who invented hockey?
The origins of hockey are actually shrouded in mystery. It's rather like the elusive game but we do know that a similar type field game has been dated to 2000 BC and it was played in the village of Beni Hasan in ancient Egypt.
In the excavation of the tomb of Kheti was a painting which depicted 2 men playing a game with a ball and curved sticks. This painting would indicate that this version of hockey was played in the Nile over 40 centuries ago.
There are also records showing a game called Keritizin that was played by the Hellensistic cultures dating from 514 BC. It appeared very similar to modern day field hockey.
But wait, there's more history! The Romans called the game paganica and similar forms of the game have been found around the work in Persia, Arabia, Ethiopia, and even in pre-Columbian Aztec Mexico. All forms involved two teams, a ball, and a stick.
During the middle ages there were a variety of hockey style games played in different areas throughout Europe. In Scotland it was called shinty, in Ireland hurling, and in France crosse.
The first reference to the word hockey appears to be around 1527 in France where the word hoquet is used to refer to the curved stick. And in 1527 Ireland Statutes provided a list of games that were prohibited which included the term hockie.
It has thus been decided by historians that the actual birth place of hockey is in fact Ireland during the 16th century. Here is where the sport not only found its name but its basic concept.
However some still tend to disagree with this assessment as there were no teams, no reliable data, and it still is not what we know as the modern hockey game.
Similarities to our modern hockey game continue throughout England during the 1600s and 1700s when whole villages would play against each other.
Windsor Nova Scotia and the Micmac Indians played a game with heavy influence from the Irish which was developed during the early 1800s. In fact legend says it was named after a Col. Hockey. So Windsor Nova Scotia claims it is the birthplace of hockey.
Others feel that the British Isles are the birthplace to modern hockey because the Blackhearth hockey club was the first official club founded back in 1849.
What is known is that the fixed set of rules for the game of hockey appeared in 1852 in the English Schools of Harrow. The game of hockey was very popular during the 19th century in British schools and the rules were continuously refined.
So what does all this information really mean? Perhaps there really has been no invention of hockey and no birthplace of hockey. Like almost all sports this is a game which has developed over centuries in many countries, cities, and villages around the world. The NHL was born in 1934 and even the modern game occasionally sees a rule or two refined.
It appears that who invented hockey will continue to remain a mystery into the future just as it has in the past.
Hope that helps.
It is one of the oldest sports. It dates back 3,000 years to the ancient Greeks. The "modern" sport began in England in the 14th century when King Edward III issued a proclamation outlawing the practice of leisure sports by the working class. It was several centuries later it showed up in English public schools in the 18th century.
Click on the link to your right for the history of field hockey.
I believe the UK was where it was invented.
Hockey. Pucks were invented for ice hockey, and if it hadn't developed, more people would simply play field hockey (the original way of playing hockey).
In my opinion its not real hockey....... its called field hockey, the reason I think it was invented is for people who cant skate.
It was invented by Ancient Greece in 200 BC!
The game field hockey has been around for 3,ooo years. It was originaly invented by the cave men. so yes it is possible that Roosevelt could have played field hockey.
Artificial turf was first invented in the early 1960s by an RTP research team headed by David Chaney. It was first used for field hockey in the 1970s.
field hockey
There is no definite time, or creator of hockey. It is said to have been invented by Canada's Natives, when they played a game similar to hockey called shinny. They played on a field with icy patches. Hope this helps!
field hockey
The hockey puck was invented so hockey players had something to shoot into the goal.
Turf hockey is field hockey.