Barret Robbins disappeared the day before the Raiders played in the Super Bowl in SanDiego. Robbins skipped his San Diego hotel, without his wallet and his cell phone, to party in Tijuana, Mexico the day before and the day of the Super Bowl. .
"I was in a very bad state of mind at that point," Robbins said. "In my mind we had already won the Super Bowl and we were already celebrating."
what are the names of everyn football player on the raiders
No he was really not a team player on the raiders
Yes, Ricky Manning... He was a CB for the raiders.
Click on the '2007 Oakland Raiders Salaries' link below to see the salaries of the Raiders for the 2007 season.
no there wasn't
tough. you missed it
Dave Casper was a tight end for the Raiders between 1974-1980 and 1984.
Richard Sligh at 7'0" even
Kevin Haslam
In July of 2013, Oakland Raiders player Kaluka Maiava was charged with assault. You can learn more about Kaluka Maiava online at the Wikipedia website.
Clem Daniels
The former Oakland Raiders, Carl Weathers.