It's the areas outside of the free throw space, but before the three point line.
The Basketball rim is exactly 10 ft 0 in. high
how high are the basketball rings? how high are the basketball rings? how high are the basketball rings?
The first net wasn't actually a net. The first basketball hoop was actually a wooden crate with no top or bottom in it and it was nailed high on a post.
No. There is something called playing in the post, which means playing near the basket. The post positions are located on the blocks (low corners of the paint) and at the free throw line elbows (high corners of the paint).
The jumper is usually the "post" (usually closest to the basketball hoop.
- recommended for ages 8 - 10 years (called netta): post height 2.4 meters or 8 feet high. - for ages 10 years old and up regular netball post height is 3.05 meters or 10 feet high just like basketball
be really tall
All basketball hoops are 10' high, which is 120".
The regulation height for a NBA and NCAA basketball hoop is 10 feet.
- recommended for ages 8 - 10 years (called netta): post height 2.4 meters or 8 feet high. - for ages 10 years old and up regular Netball post height is 3.05 meters or 10 feet high just like Basketball
Terry D. Battenberg has written: 'Power Post Play' 'Complete book of basketball post play' -- subject(s): Basketball, Coaching, Offense