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Q: When an post player in basketball has position and the defensive player uses his legs to move that player out of the post is that a foul?
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In basketball can a defensive player contact an attacker when stealing the ball from her?

No, that is considered a foul

What is charging basketball?

it is also called an offensive foul. when the offensive player commits foul to the defensive player while in the act of shooting or penetrating the paint.

What is international foul?

In basketball, an intentional foul is deliberately committed by a defensive player with a purpose to stop the play. The penalty or penalties of an intentional foul are foul shots from the fouled player in exchange for ball possession.

What happens when an offensive player charges a defensive player already in stance but the defensive player doesn't fall down is this a foul on the offensive player or a foul on the defensive?

This is a foul on the offensive player. The defensive player does not have to fall down in order to get a charge called

Is it a foul when defensive player touch offensive player's hand after the basketball release from his hand?

yes, unless the shooter has landed on the floor

How do you 'foul' in basketball?

A foul in basketball can range from two different kinds: offensive and defensive fouls, as well as technical fouls. Offensive fouls are fouls when you are on the offensive end, like pushing someone to the side to shoot or pushing slapping someone on the arm to get to the basket. Defensive fouls are the same, but on the defensive end. Technical fouls are called when you do something improper in basketball. For instance, yelling at the referee, throwing the basketball in the stands, and yelling at other players will result in technical fouls. There are offensive and defensive fouls in basketball. A defensive foul occurs when a defender makes contact with the player in possession. An offensive foul occurs when the player with the ball makes contact with a defender who's arms are inside his body. If an offensive player runs into a defensive player whose position is established (both feet are planted) or the offensive player drops his shoulder or pushes off with his arm, then the contact is deemed an offensive foul (foul against the offensive player) and is usually called a "charge." Flagrant fouls occur when one player grabs another and pulls him down, or a player is injured as a result of a hard foul. Technical fouls include defensive three-second penalties and, at the discretion of the official, when a player or coach exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct. By definition a foul is "when one player gains an illegal advantage over another through physical contact". In layman's terms, physical contact between two players is not illegal. However, if that contact creates an advantage (as in a shot was affected or a player could not move freely to another position on the court) then it is deemed a foul. If you are Thomas Robinson from the University of Kansas apparently all you have to do to be called for a foul is be on the court.

Is it a technical foul if defensive players touches the basketball while inn the hands of the offensive player?

uhm no!!!!!!!! its called playing basketball! that's what your suppose to do. as long as they don't hit the person while trying to get the basketball then its not even a foul

What are the types of fouls in basketball?

There are offensive and defensive fouls in basketball. A defensive foul occurs when a defender makes contact with the player in possession. An offensive foul occurs when the player with the ball makes contact with a defender who's arms are inside his body. If an offensive player runs into a defensive player whose position is established (both feet are planted) or the offensive player drops his shoulder or pushes off with his arm, then the contact is deemed an offensive foul (foul against the offensive player) and is usually called a "charge." Flagrant fouls occur when one player grabs another and pulls him down, or a player is injured as a result of a hard foul. Technical fouls include defensive three-second penalties and, at the discretion of the official, when a player or coach exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct. By definition a foul is "when one player gains an illegal advantage over another through physical contact". In layman's terms, physical contact between two players is not illegal. However, if that contact creates an advantage (as in a shot was affected or a player could not move freely to another position on the court) then it is deemed a foul.

Is it a foul when a offensive player bump defensive player?


If you are shooting a basketball and you come down on the defenders foot and fall is it a defensive foul?

No, that is not a foul it may be a sprained ankle, though.

Is a charge a foul on an offensive or defensive player?


What is a block in high school basketball?

The offensive player I.E. the player with the ball has a right to occupy his own space and progress into unoccupied space on the floor. The defensive player can not impede the forward motion of the offensive player. Therefore a defensive player must be in place and stationary before the offensive player gets to any spot in his path. A block occurs when the defensive player is not "established position" when in the path of an offensive player. This of course is all subjected to the interpretation of the referee who decides if the defensive player has "established position". In reality the collisions usually occur at such a fast pace that it would be impossible for a reasonable person to determine if one person was first to the spot of the collision. Watch any basketball game and you will see this on most every "block" or charge, the opposite of block, where the offensive player collides with a defensive player who has "established position". But it is the best system currently to determine if a foul has occured