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Q: Where is soccer (football) mostly played?
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How do you say soccer in Swedish?

Fotboll. (Litterally means football, mostly used for football as in soccer)

What sports do Americans mostly play?

Football is the United States most played sport, I believe it is the same for canda but I believe soccer is Mexico's mostly played sport.

Which sport is the ball mostly kicked?

A soccer ball is mostly kicked or sometimes football or flag football

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mostly soccer(football)

Is soccer mostly played in Mexico?


Where in England was soccer played?

soccer? don't you mean football? soccer isn't played in the UK

What is more played soccer or football?

Soccer is played 100 times more!

Can you watch soccer at football field?

Yes, both soccer and football are played on the same field .

What sports do Slovakias people play?

Mostly Football (soccer ).

What is the most played sport in South Africa?

Africa's most played sport is football (soccer)

What sport do people mostly like?

Soccer (Football) is the most popular sport. It's played by over 250 million people.

How is football different from soccer?

In the English term, "football" means soccer. But The American term football is played with the hands And helmets on!