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Q: Where is hockey developed?
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Is Halifax the birth place of hockey?

No; the modern game of hockey was developed in London.

What year was floor-hockey invented?

It was Developed in 1970

What would people call hockey if hockey pucks weren't invented?

Hockey. Pucks were invented for ice hockey, and if it hadn't developed, more people would simply play field hockey (the original way of playing hockey).

What country did field hockey come from?

It came from India and developed slower in today's modern day hockey, as for sport like ice hockey and other types of hockey's came from Canada.

The rules for ice hockey were developed where?

Hockey's rules were created by it's creator, but over time, we changed to rules to our liking.

What early rules were developed for this at McGill University in 1870s?

ice hockey

Were certain tools or inventions developed in Canada's culture?

Hockey! In Windsor, Nova Scotia

Which skills are being developed the most by playing hockey?

primarily the skills being developed are hand eye co-ordination and peripheral vision.

When did the sport hockey come into existence?

While there are many examples of games resembling hockey go as far back in history to the Middle Ages, the actual game of hockey developed in Canada in the 19th century. There seems to be be some debate over whether the British soldiers and the natives to Canada developed the game and some believe that there may have even been an Icelandic influence on the game in 1875 as well.

Did Sweden develop the ice hockey?

no, it was developed in canadia in 1885. although, Sweden has given birth to the fabulous Nicklas Backstrom.

Which sport was originated first hockey or flag football?

As Flag Football is a variation of American Football and this began in the Mid 19th Century and Flag Football would have come sometime after that, I would think that Hockey did come before Flag Football as Hockey has its origins in ancient times, but the modern form of field hockey was developed in the early 19th century.

Is there a field hockey game for PlayStation 2?

No. But there is one being developed for the PC. It may be distributed on to the PlayStation once its completed and popular.