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Hockey's rules were created by it's creator, but over time, we changed to rules to our liking.

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Q: The rules for ice hockey were developed where?
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What early rules were developed for this at McGill University in 1870s?

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What are the rules of ice hockey for the Olympics?

the international rules

Who devised the rules of modern ice hockey?


How did ice hockey change?

Too many new rules.

Rules of ice hockey?

NO cheeking, boarding,cross cheeking,and no fighting

What sport did hockey most likely descend from?

The game of ice hockey probably evolved from the game of field hockey that was played in Northern Europe for hundreds of years. The modern version of ice-hockey finds its origins in the rules laid down by a Canadian named J G Creighton. His rules were implemented in the first game of ice hockey played in Montreal, Canada in the year 1875.

What is the difference between ice hockey and field hockey?

Ice hockey is played on ice, while field hockey is played on a grass surface, the rules in field hockey are kinder than ice hockey, and the sticks vary between versions.

How many points does a team get if it ties in ice hockey according to the National Hockey League NHL rules?

10 Points

What country did field hockey come from?

It came from India and developed slower in today's modern day hockey, as for sport like ice hockey and other types of hockey's came from Canada.

What do you call hockey that is not played on the ice?

Hockey Just hockey Hockey on ice is called ice hockey

What would people call hockey if hockey pucks weren't invented?

Hockey. Pucks were invented for ice hockey, and if it hadn't developed, more people would simply play field hockey (the original way of playing hockey).