Madrid Iker Casillas who is the current Spanish keeper lives in Madrid.
Iker Casillas's age is 31
Iker Casillas's birth name is ker Casillas Fernndez.
Iker Casillas was born on May 20, 1981.
Iker Casillas was born on May 20, 1981.
As Iker Casillas is a Spaniard he is a catholic.
Iker Casillas has brown eyes.
Iker Casillas is 36 years old (birthdate: May 20, 1981).
The current Real Madrid captain is Iker Casillas
Currently, during the 2008/09 season, Real Madrid's goalkeepers are Iker Casillas, Jerzy Dudek and Jordi Codina.
iker casillas is the bestest goalie ..... for now
iker casillas