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No. No matter what, you can't step on the out of bounds line when inbounding.

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Q: When in bounding the basketball is it legal to step on the out of bounds line as long as you do not break the plane?
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What happens when a defensive player reaches over the sideline when defending the ball in an out of bounds situation in basketball?

The defensive player just has to be on the inbounds part of the court. As long as they do not break the plane or touch the offensive player they are in a legal position.

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no steriods are not legal in the professional basketball leage.

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Rules vary from state to state but in this case it is perfectly legal. So along as the players feet are in bounds. In highschool football its normally if one foot is in bounds and the other is not out of bounds and the player has control of the ball then its a catch

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Because the play is called a pass or a save and is always legal. The rule that applies most is the one that states that possession goes to the other team when a player touches the ball last prior to landing out of bounds. Moreover, it takes skill to place the ball on the opposing player with sufficient velocity and in such a way as to insure he will not be able to gather it up and cost YOU a change of possession.

Is dribbling basketball in neighborhood legal or illegal?

Done by: basketball GiRl

Is it legal to put basketball hoops on the sidewalks or in the street in California and people playing basketball in the street in traffic?

yes it is legal but it could be dangerous

Can you play in the wrong fairway to get to your green?

Yes, this is perfectly legal. Unless there is an internal out of bounds, that is unlikely but does happen.

If you set a screen with your arms crossing your chest is that legal?

If you are referring to Basketball, yes, it is legal.

Are portable basketball hoops legal on side streets?

No, they are not.

Is rsbot legal?

It does not break the law, but it does break the Runescape rules.

What is legal in volleyball?

here are a couple things that arent legal in volleyball:a lift ( when the ball stays in some ones hands to long)If the server crosses the serving lineif the ball is out of bounds.

When is a player legal on the basketball court?

When he checks in with the scores table.