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Q: When does a turnover occur in Frisbee?
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What are 3 ways a turnover can occur on a football field?

Interception, fumble, or turnover on downs.

How many frisbee related deaths occur per year in the us?

There is no reliable data on the number of frisbee-related deaths that occur per year in the US. Frisbee-related injuries are generally rare and fatalities would be extremely uncommon.

How to make a score in Frisbee?

toss the disk to your teammates until you get to the touchdown zone, but the disk cannot hit the ground, or else it is a turnover

What is Frisbee in French?

"Frisbee" is Frisbee in French because Frisbee is a trademark name.

What happens if receiving team drops the Frisbee on the throw-off?

On the throw-off, or "pull," if the recieving team does not touch the disc and it hits the ground, it is not a turnover. They pick it up from where it lands and continue play. If the recieving team attempts to catch the disc (therefore touching it) and drop it, it is considered a turnover, and the team who pulled gets the disc.

How is the disc moved up the field and what can you never do with the disc in ultimate Frisbee?

A team advances the disc in ultimate frisbee by tossing the disc to a teammate. However, if the disc hits the ground it is a turnover. Also, you may never run with the disc in ultimate (the mythical "three steps rule" does not exist-you can slow to a stop if you're in a sprint to catch the disc).

Is there a new frisbee?

There is a new way to play frisbee its called frisbee golf.

How do you spell Frisbee?

This is how you spell it: Frisbee

What is stalling in ultimate frisbee?

Stalling is when the thrower takes more than ten seconds to throw the disc. The marker (defender on disc) is counting and if the thrower does not throw it in ten seconds, then it is a turnover. It is a way to speed up the game.

How did a Frisbee get its name?

William Russel frisbee invented the frisbee. and Walter Morrison became interested in flying saucer which led to the frisbee trademark.

What are facts about Frisbee?

dogs can catch a frisbee:)

Is there a Frisbee national championship?

I wouldn't say 'national championship' but the professional sport of frisbee is 'ultimate frisbee'.