Ultimate Frisbee is most popular in New Zealand and the United States.
"Frisbee" is Frisbee in French because Frisbee is a trademark name.
I would say now, Frisbee and Ultimate Frisbee appear to be growing as beach fun and as a sport every year, with new leagues popping up all across the United States.
1968 in New Jersey
This is how you spell it: Frisbee
Columbia High School in New Jersey
William Russel frisbee invented the frisbee. and Walter Morrison became interested in flying saucer which led to the frisbee trademark.
dogs can catch a frisbee:)
Ultimate started at Columbia high School in New Jersey.
It started in New Jersey of the United States of America.
I wouldn't say 'national championship' but the professional sport of frisbee is 'ultimate frisbee'.
golf frisbee is basically golf but with a frisbee. the point in the game is to throw your frisbee into a basket.