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toss the disk to your teammates until you get to the touchdown zone, but the disk cannot hit the ground, or else it is a turnover

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Q: How to make a score in Frisbee?
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Related questions

What type of frisbee game involves throwing at a target and trying to get the lowest score?

frisbee golf

How many point do you receive in frisbee when you score?

one point

Who must touch the frisbee before you can score?

There is no limit on who has to touch the disc before you can score, as long as your teammate catches it in the zone you score.

What sports do you score a touchdown in other than football?

ultimate frisbee

Where in the field must the Frisbee be caught to score a point?

end zone

In ultimate frisbee The area where a team can score is the?

The area where a team gets a point is the endzone.

What direction should Ryan throw the frisbee?

whichever way the endzone he needs to score is

How does one score points in the game frisbee golf?

One can score points in the game Frisbee Golf in the same way as regular golf. The aim is to complete the course in as few throws as possible. If one completes a hole in one less throw than par they score -1, if they take one more throw than par it is +1 etc. The game is usually called Disc Golf.

What is the highest score that Ultimate frisbee should go to?

Official rules day first one to score 13, unless you have a cap (time limit) on the game.

What is the function of a frisbee?

The Frisbee was made to be thrown. In Ultimate, if you do not throw the disc, then you cannot score, and nobody would ever have fun. Since throwing is the only way to advance the disc, this is what you have to do, making it the msot important aspect of Frisbee.

What makes a frisbee stay up?

Lots of things.In fact, it uses the energy you have to throw the frisbee up. Then the wind level will make it "fly". Then Gravity will pull the frisbee down towards the ground.

What is Frisbee in French?

"Frisbee" is Frisbee in French because Frisbee is a trademark name.