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an umpire calls a strike when the ball is in the strike zone. personal my strike zone is chest to shin. to call a strike, u raise your right hand up to your ear and make a fist an call out "STRIKE!"

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Q: When does a softball umpire call a strike?
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Is it legal to hit a softball on your backswing?

yes. the umpire doesnt call the batter out though. i do believe it counts as a strike.

What is the three strike rule?

If you are talking about baseball/softball, then no, on the 3rd strike called by the umpire, the player/batter is out.

What are the zones called in softball?

Strike Zone The strike zone is from the knee to shoulder of the batting softball player. The strike zone also extends as wide as a normal swing. A strike is called if the ball passes through the strike zone and reaches the catcher. The softball umpire will also call a strike if a batter swings and misses at a pitch outside the strike zone. Three strikes result in a batter being called out by the softball umpire. A ball is called for all pitches that miss the strike zone. Four balls allow a batter to walk to first base uncontested. Outfield These 3 zones are short, middle, and long. In the outfield.

Who are the officials and what are their functions in softball game?

umpire judges if single, double, triple, strike, or ball

How does a softball coach call time out?

They holler out to the umpire "Time Blue!" or just make their hands into a T form and signal the umpire down, and then the umpire will call time out.

What do they call a person that calls a softball game?

They are called Umpires. One is the plate umpire, one is the field umpire.

What is the definition of appeal in the softball terminolo0gy?

In Softball, just like Baseball, the home-plate umpire is the highest umpire and makes most of the final decisions. A good example of an appeal would be: Pitcher pitches a ball out of the strike zone. The batter checks their swing and the home plate umpire calls a ball. The catcher thinks the batter may have went around with the bat, so the catcher then appeals the call by asking either the umpire on 1st or 3rd (depending on whether the batter is left- or right-handed) for their judgment, since they are able to see clearly whether the batter went around or not. Although the Home Plate Umpire made the call, the other umpire now has the ability to overrule his call if it, indeed, was a strike. If the call is not appealed, the other umpire is not allowed to overrule the call, even if it is wrong.

What is strike in softball?

Jeez, first of all, you need to catch up on reading that rules book of yours! A strike is a pitch thrown by the pitcher and hits the catcher's glove so that the catcher doesn't have to move her/his glove at all. Or if the pitch is in the "strike zone", the umpire may also call it a strike.

How many ways can you strike out on a baseball field?

2 Swing and miss or call strike by the umpire.

What is the word that the umpire calls when a pitcher throws a strike ball?

The Umpires get together and the Umpire can call interference on himself and the playing running or batting has to redo it

Does umpire have to call timeout each time ball comes to infield in softball?

The umpire does not have to call time when the ball is in the infield, BUT when the pitcher has it in the circle so the play is OFFICIALLY dead.

What is another name for an umpire?

To decide if a pitch is a strike or a ball, if a hit is foul or fair and if a runner is safe or out. Also the ump can decide if the weather is unsafe to play.