They are called Umpires. One is the plate umpire, one is the field umpire.
an upm
Umpires are the officials in a softball game. The plate umpire is the head umpire for that game. A coach can approach the umpires about any rule interpretation questions, but judgment calls are final and cannot be reversed.
The person who came up with softball was the person who mad the game softball and they thought it was soft because it is softer than a baseball
Softball is both a game (a game of softball) and a sport (the popular sport of softball.
There is no physical, logical explanation of the real game of softball, that's why we have this game of softball.
softball has 7 innings in less a tie then they play more innings if one team is winning by a lot they have the mercy rule and they call the game
No, the term 'softball game' is not capitalized.
The first game of softball was played on Thanksgiving Day in 1887 in Chicago. George Hancock is credited with the invention of the (originally) indoor game.
Softball is like sibling rivalry on a large scale; lots of hitting, running, knocking each other down with an adult making judgment calls.
She did participate in the celebrity softball game.
Baseball is not called softball. The game of softball is called softball because the ball used is softer than a baseball.