To decide if a pitch is a strike or a ball, if a hit is foul or fair and if a runner is safe or out. Also the ump can decide if the weather is unsafe to play.
call balls and srtikes call illegal pitches call outs and safes call interferences/ ubstructions eject people if needed same as Baseball umps
An umpire is in charge of the game.
Another word for a sports referee is an umpire.
Referee or judge
An umpire
Umpire of course
The name of a baseball referee is called an Umpire.
Umpire is a Halloween costume. It begins with the letter u.
Richy benaud
A badminton umpire makes overall decisions, it depends which umpire you are referring to a chair umpire is in charge of the final decision if the final decision cant be made. The chair umpire we'll ask the refree to make the refree decide. The service judge is in the name they decide if there are any faults withtin the serve.