over the back.
When a player on the team with the ball commits a foul
If the ball landed behind home plate, it is already a foul ball, even if it rolls back into fair territory. If the batter already has 2 strikes and then the ball is bunted foul, it's an out. The above answer is wrong. If a batted ball lands behind home plate but rolls forward and settles on the plate or in front of the plate, it is a fair ball.
A dead ball foul is a term in which the ball has not been inbounded, the clock is stopped, thus a "dead ball," and a foul has been commited.
You put your hands behind your head like your holding on to the back of your neck but with the ball in your hands. You then throw it back over your head. If the ball is behind your head enough it is considered a foul.
The shooter has to wait for the ball to touch the rim.
When you get a foul, you either go to the sidelines and throw the ball in to your team mates or you go behind the free throw line and you get to shoot either one or two shots without anybody guarding you.
The ball is given to the other team.
NO... you would have to steal it ... stripping the ball like in football would Intel that you wrestling for the ball in basketball they will call it a foul or a jump ball if you try to strip it ...
No, that is considered a foul
At a foul, time out, dead ball, etc.