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Q: Is bouncing the ball with two hands a foul in basketball?
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Related questions

What is a foul shot in basketball?

in basketball you get foul shots when your shooting and someone on the other team makes contact with your body

Is it a technical foul in Basketball to hit the ball out of the inbounders hands before he releases the ball?

No. But the referee just let the inbounding to be repeated.

What is a offensiven foul in basketball?

When a player on the team with the ball commits a foul

Is snatching the ball from a player in a basketball game is foul?

Depending on if there is contact made. Usually balls are snatched with contact. If it does occur without contact, then a steal is rewarded to the player.

What is a 'dead ball foul' in little league basketball?

A dead ball foul is a term in which the ball has not been inbounded, the clock is stopped, thus a "dead ball," and a foul has been commited.

What is a dead ball foul in a basketball game?

over the back.

Is it legal to use feet in basketball?

Uh, Yeah. Basket-ball is about how you can use your hands. Using your feet will only get you a foul or penalty.

When can the foul shooter in basketball enter the key on a foul shot?

The shooter has to wait for the ball to touch the rim.

What can happen when you foul or travel in basketball?

The ball is given to the other team.

What is a fault in track and field?

Using the term fault in basketball is the same as using the term foul. It means that you touched someone while they had the ball in their hands.

Can you strip the ball in basketball?

NO... you would have to steal it ... stripping the ball like in football would Intel that you wrestling for the ball in basketball they will call it a foul or a jump ball if you try to strip it ...

What are some common rules in basketball and soccer?

in basketball you can't walk with the ball, dribble with 2 hands at the same time, and dribble stop and dribble again. In soccer u can't use your hands unless u r goalie, and in both don't foul them