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Q: When did Stanford start putting the ax stickers on their helmet?
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On the helmets of the osu buckeyes what do their stickers mean?

The Buckeye leaf stickers are earned by players for their play on the field every time their team wins a game. They start out with clean helmets at the beginning of the season and the more stickers you see on a helmet, the more that player has played during a winning game.

Is Stanford a school where one can become a pediatrician?

Stanford is a school that has a medical studies program for undergraduates. A person can start at Stanford in the medical field to become a pediatrician and then transfer to a graduate school for specialized studies.

In what century did the pith helmet start being used?

The pith helmet was first used in the 19th century. The helmet was made of cork or pith and was worn by many Europeans in the tropics. The pith helmet is also known a Safari helmet or sun hat.

What is the code to the Halo Reach Noble Six Helmet?

you start with it its the default armor

You want to start collecting things what should you start to collect?

One famous thing that people collect is stickers, or maybe bracelets, jewelry, and snowglobes.

How can you start the game after putting your action replay codes?

press start

How do you get the mark vi helmet in halo reach?

The Mark VI helmet is unlockable at the rank of Brigadier, and costs 300,000cr. It can first be seen at the rank of Colonel.

Things that you wear that start with H?

hat, holster, helmet, hearing aide, hardhat

Where do you find the club penguin only the drill?

Go to the forest and u will she a rock click on it and it will take you to the hidden lake and then you go to the cave and go to the other place on the right and you get a helmet and you put the helmet on and start dancing and that's how you will start drilling

How did college start?

it starts by putting glue on paper

When do college girls start putting out?

When they feel like it!!