in order for a ball in basketball to be considered to be out of bounds the ball MUST touch/hit the ground out bounds ... if the ball does not touch/hit out of bounds the ball is still live a play can go out of bounds to throw/pass the ball back in bounds so long as the player that is going for the ball bounds feet are in the air when he makes contact with the ball ...
In professional soccer when the ball goes outside of the lines it is out of bounds.
Out of bounds in basketball is passed the line at the end of the court. If a person with the ball stands out of bounds the other team gets the ball. Someone on Team A is on offence (they have the ball) and someone on Team A knocks the ball out of bounds, Team B gets the ball. But if Team A was on offence and Team B knocks the ball out of bounds, Team A keeps the ball.
If the opponent has established position out of bounds (at least one foot on the floor) then the ball would still be yours. If the opponent is in the air and has not established position out of bounds the ball is still live.
The player that is out of bounds when the ball touches him.
Yes it can Because the ball will be placed right there!
Yes, if you think you have hit your ball in play out of bounds you must play a provisional ball from the exact same spot as where you played the previous shot from. However, if you know the ball is out of bounds the next ball you play becomes the ball in play.
No, not in golf
If his knee touches inbounds, he is considered tackled in the field of play, regardless if the the ball ends up out of bounds. The clock will continue to run
If the player fails to cross the ball where ever the marker is before he physically steps out of bounds then it is not a first down. Although I'm not certain, I think the ball has to cross the marker in bounds as well.
If your team has the ball/you go out of bounds with the ball, it will be given to the other team. If you go out of bounds, but you're not the one with the ball, doesn't really matter. But, there's really no point in doing that.
if the ball goes out of bounds then the team that threw it out of bounds doesnt get it