You may fill in for someone usually when the player is injured or out depending on the game.
No you aren't allowed to touch the net at any part of the game. It is called a net violation. If the ball hits it, its fine, but you cannot hit it.
as many times as it takes for the ball to make it over without touching the net. there is no limit to this.
no you are not aloud to touch the net at all in volley ball even if you fall into the net the point is awarded to the other team this can be judged by the umpire in the game, the ball is aloud to touch the net and go over but no person is aloud to touch the net or even put tthere hands over the net to block the ball.
No,it is not allowed to reach over the net.
By kicking the ball into the net.
No, your are only allowed to hit the ball three times, unless the first was a touch at the block.
you are allowed as many as you like as long as the ball hits the net and lands in the square.
You are allowed 2 service attempts, if you miss the first one then on the second attempt you would have to make it or else the would call it an error and the ball goes to the other team.
Depends on what you mean by "you." I'll assume that you mean either a ball you have just hit, or yourself. If the ball touches the net on a serve, and bounces over the net landing in-bounds, then it is called a let, and acts just like a redo. If the ball hits the net and falls back on your side, then it is a fault and you loose the point. Any other time, the ball is allowed to hit the net. If you touch the net yourself (either with your racquet, clothes, body, hair) before the ball has bounced twice on the opponent's court then you loose the point.
None. Apricorns don't make net balls!
3 hits.