the fastest shot ever in basket ball was 0.01 that's how much time was left on the clock when he shot and made it to win the game after that they made a rule saying that u canot shoot if the clock has 0.03 or lower on the clock hope this helps u
Let me get this straight, the speed of the Basketball shot isn't countable. You can shoot it as fast and slow as you want.
You can improve your basketball shot by practicing.
A three point play is possible in Basketball. A three point play occurs when a player is fouled while he or she is shooting, and that shot goes in.
I don't know what your basketball shot is.
in basketball you make a rainbow shot
The most common shot in basketball is a layup.
there is no such thing as an illegal shot, at least not in american basketball
The two point shot has always existed in basketball.
You would find the "jump shot" in Basketball.
A free shot in basketball would be a free throw. You get this if you are fouled during the game.
A three point play is possible in Basketball. A three point play occurs when a player is fouled while he or she is shooting, and that shot goes in.
Bank Shot
practice loser