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Q: What would happen if a netball player did not have good agility?
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When would a player in netball take an advantage?

When the netball player wants to

Why is Liz Ellis the best player in netball?

you would know if you have seen her play netball .

Where would you see agility in a game?

in a game you will see agility every were the player is moving

What food would be needed for a netball player to be a strong contestant?


How would you become a professional netball player?

Train and practise hard!

Why would a basketball player need agility?

If you want to get around your defender you'll need to use AGILITY to do that. If you want stay with your opponent when your on defense, you'll need agility to stay with him

Why does netball need agility?

When playing netball, you will be constantly marked by the oppostition; to get away from them and ready to receive the ball you need to dodge and change direction quickly. This is the reason agility is needed.

Who is a famous netball player starting with P?

That would have to be only last name Julie Prendergast. Teams: Aussie Player and Melbourne Vixens

Why the ball is used in netball?

If there was no ball it would not be called netball it would be called net

How do you spell netball in french?

Netball is not a word in french because it is not played in France. If someone were to refer to netball they would just call it "netball".

Similarities of netball and fast netball?

I play netball and i dnt think there is even a "fast netball". But if there is i guess it would all be the same but, faster:\

What safety checks would you harry out on netball?

A netball player is usuallly unable to play with long nails, hair untied, ununiformed etc. Also in professional netball the players are randomly checked for steroids or other drugs that may affect their playing. Hope i helped! Xx