when a foul is committed in volleyball that team/side losses that point and gives the other side the serve.
There is no such thing as a foul in volleyball.
Slide tackle
what rule
If your foot is on the serving line
Hey! Good question.....we are playing volleyball in gym right now so I know this one-it's good review :) -A Volleyball is out of bounds when it touches the out of bounds line -It is out of bounds if it doesn't make it over the net on a return or if it doesn't make it over the net on a serve.
A foul in soccer is when you slide tackle, grab, pull on another players jersey, or hit another player. It can also be when you bad mouth a player, coach, or referee. These can also become yellow or red flags if taken too far.
No. The umpire calls the ball fair or foul based on where the ball is when the fielder touches it. If the ball is in foul territory when it is touched, the ball is called foul.
Wiliam Morgan invented Volleyball and wrote the rules.
No. It is encouraged.