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Q: What team lemelo ball on?
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Meaning of Team to serve?

it is the team who will be serving the ball or the team who will put the ball to play.

Team A punts to team B the ball hits ground after punt can team A catch ball then toss ball to ground is it live or dead ball?

It is not a dead ball until someone downs (touches) it.

The ball is put in into play when one team does this?

When one team serves the ball.

What is the team that does not have the ball?

The defending team.

How does the team score in a basketball game?

The opposite team's goal is to capture the ball from the other team who has the ball and the team which has the ball must score the ball in towards the opponent's hoop while also defending an d attacking, attackers must attack other members of the opposite team while the defending team defends the ball.

Who is swift paintball team?

Swift paintball team are a paintball team based in england. they play speed ball and woods ball but are more for the speed ball

The ball is put in into play when one team does this in volleyball?

When one team serves the ball.

Who gets the ball back after its shot in the wrong basket?

If the ball goes in, it counts as a score for the team whose basket it is and the other team gets the ball. In other words, if you make a goal for the other team, you get the ball back.

What happens when the ball gets kicked out of play in basketball?

That is called a kick ball. For example, if Team Blue had the ball and they passed it but Team Red kicked it out of play, then Team Blue would pass the ball to his/her teammate from out of bounds.

What is a side out in vollyball?

When the other team has the ball, your team would want the ball back. A side out is when you get the ball back no matter if the other team hit it out, or your team was able to bump, set, or spike it over the net and the other team wasn't able to return it. basically it means " we want the ball back"

In football if the kicking team is kicking off in a normal formation and the receiving team does not touch it and the kicking team does touch it is it their ball?

No, the kicking team would need to gain possession of the ball. For kickoffs, the ball is considered a 'free ball' once it travels 10 yards from the spot of the kick. The ball is also considered 'free' if a member of the receiving team touches it, but does not gain full possession, before it travels 10 yards from the spot of the kick. The first team whose player gains possession of the ball is awarded the ball. Touching the ball does not signify possession ... a player must have full possession of the ball for his team to be awarded possession. A lot of 'possessions' in that last statement but that is the qualifier as to which team is awarded the ball. Touching the ball means nothing, possessing the ball means everything.

When does your team score in volleyball?

When serving team hits the ball and returning team cannot return in three tries or when ball hits the floor. Serving team hits the ball and it goes out of bounds point for other side.