Lots of stradle streches! Do lots of those squats where you squat down so that both your legs are bent at 90 degree angles and press them down. Do lots of center splits, too.
Work on your core and leg strength! to do a toetouch correctly, you have to be able to use your abs to make yourself sit into the jump. you need your leg strength to pull them up. Don't forget to point your toes!
yes toe touches are the most common jumps in cheerleading
There currently is no record for toe-touches. Unfortunately, the top has only been in 30 seconds has been around 23.
Toe jam is made by the toe fairy who climbs into your shoes at night and leaves toe jam dust, that when it touches your feet, turns to a delicious jam.
Toe touches are a very hard thing to do. I have an over extended toe touch. A hyper extended toe touch is any where higher than that. A hyper extended toe touch is anywhere from almost liking yourself in the head to actually kicking yourself in the head.
It's called hyper extension. CHEERS
First: Sit in a stradle reach for your right foot then left then middle. Hold all those for like 15seconds.Second: Do a right leg pre-stretch an try an go down into a right leg splits. Then do the left leg an then middle.Now do that everyday and you should see your toe touches improving. break your toe.
A straight-legged toe touch may hyperextend the knees, which can ultimately be bad over time. This exercise may also put strain on the back.
Splits and stretch every day
Warm up excercises consist of two parts. The physical warming of the body and stretching exercies. One will want to walk or march in place, do jumping jacks or other cardio style excerises before begining to stretch and preform toe touches.
You have to be able to do herkies, hurtles, toe touches, tumbles, splits, and leg ups :)
If you have a toe infection you should talk to your doctor...
when i do a toe touch i realized that u would most likely get the most pain in ur legs cuz that is where u land and somethimes u wll land really hard