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There are many different skills and tactics needed to play Netball, their are three basic sections for the different skills, and the tactics you learn from experience.. The three sub sections are: Basic skills, which includes Hand positions, catching, throwing, how to throw and catch, feet positions and basic netta and netball rules. The next sub section is middle skills, this includes all positions, stopping with the ball, three foot defence, streches, warming up, warming down and ball skills. The third sub section is called the higher skills, this includes defence, attack, shooting, keeping, how to work the court and talking to all of the players to communicate.

Their are many different tactics you can use to fool your apponents mind and reactions, like falking the ball. That means that you pretend to throw the ball one way, so your opponent jumps that way trying to block the ball, and while this is happening, you would falk the ball and throw it the other way. Another tactic for the goal circle is if you are a shooter, but you must make sure the other players in your team know what you are doing is, that lets just say WA passes you the ball, and you are too fat away to shoot you would pivit around, put your non-grounded foot towards the goal circle and pass it back. Then taking a step back, and WA passes the ball back to you. So you remember it like this, pass, pivit, step, pass, step, shoot. Or you can do it again if you are still to fat away. And if your opponent touches your foot when you have the ball and they dont see it, then they get called up for contact or obstruction with the ball.

A defending tip about this is that make sure that the ball has just left the tips of their fingers before you jump.

Hope this answers all your questians.

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14y ago
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12y ago

you need to be fast if you want to play in midcourt (C, WA, WD). you need to catch a ball without stepping. you need to be able to shoot if you want to be a shooter (GA,GS). if you want to be a defender you have to be able to know how far away three feet is and how to defend the player properly (GD,GK and also WD). the letters in the brackets are the positions.

sorry that's all i can think of at the moment hope it helped


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14y ago

To play netball, all you need is to be willing and to have a goal. You don't neccessarily need to have a skill or ability. I play netball, and I've played it for five whole years. Well, there are nine players in a team, with seven on the field. And they are: C - Centre GA - Goal Attack (shooter) GD - Goal Defence WA - Wing Attack WD - Wind Defence GS - Goal Shooter (shooter) GK - Goal Keeper In my years of experience, I've learnt that netball requires quite a lot of stamina. Running around the court, jumping, shooting, defending, etc. has it's ups and downs. I suggest you train every week. Centre should have a lot of stamina and must have a clear vision to look over the whole court. Goal Attack and Goal Shooter should practise shooting very often. Goal Defence and Goal Keeper should practise defending and tactics to catch the ball on the rebound. Wing Attack and Wing Defence need to be aware at the beginning, because it is best for Wing Attack to catch the ball from Centre so Goal Attack and Goal Shooter can get into the Shooting Circle. Hope I helped!

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16y ago

you need to have good defence and attack skills, and need to be resonably fit and ofcourse need to know how to play.

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13y ago

1) How to Pass

2) How to Shoot

3) How to Defend

4) Teamwork

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15y ago

don't run with the ball, don't go offside (know the positions) and don't contact others.

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12y ago

The skill in netball are: Being a good throwers as you may have to throw half of the court, have a good fitness up keep, if shooting have a good accuracey. oh and just have fun.

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Ivine Abel

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1y ago

I don't

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Why do you need catching as a skill in netball?

You definitely need catching skills to play netball because half the game involves catching.

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you play netball on a netball court :)

What can you play netball on?

a netball court

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How does practicing skills help us?

because when you do a match you netball skills will be improved so your team might win. Also practicing skills will improve your netball for example if you never learned where to stand at the start of a netball match you would never know where to stand! I no practicing skills is very boring but you have to do it to play matches. other wise you would never win a match as well.

Will you get into the netball team?

I believe that its all about your skills and if you love it. It also depends on what sort of netball team you want to get into, if its an average team they will teach you how to play or if its a rep team you have to be very good to try out.

What skills do you need for netball?

== == == == In Netball, you will need, running skills, catching skills, throwing skills, defending/intersecting skills, shooting skills, teamwork skills, dodging skills, footwork skills, good coordination and stopping skills. Your brain will also need to think fast.

Do you have to be an experienced netball player to play for the netball team?

No, you don't have to be an experienced netball player to play for a netball team. Everyone has to start somewhere. Start & you will soon get better. best of luck

How fit do you have to be to play netball for an hour?

You do not need any qualifications to play netball. A good level of fitness, team working skills, a knowledge of the game and rules and a team to join. Depending what level of netball you want to play at, extra trainings and passion for the game would help also.

Do you need a pony tail to play netball?

Of course you dont! You can play netball with your hair however you like it!

Can you play in mixed teams in netball?

Yes you can play in mixed teams in netball. Some people think netball is just for girls...but its not its for both girls and boys.

Similarities of netball and fast netball?

I play netball and i dnt think there is even a "fast netball". But if there is i guess it would all be the same but, faster:\