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You should try as best as you can and practice if you really want to do it, but if not don't stress too much.

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Q: What should i do if cheer tryouts are in less than two weeks and i have never trained?
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NEVER!! they never actually kissed, but if you want to cheer for another couple, cheer for ash and misty. they are a great couple!!

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Should you ever wear cheer shoes outside?

NO! NEVER! Cheer shoes are ment for the gym and only the gym (gym as in cheer gym NOT P.E) If your currantly using cheer shoes outside or in your gym CLASS, you need to get a pair of running tennis shoes asap! Cheer shoes are ment for the CHEER gym because of the special texture on the bottom of the shoe. It keeps it from slipping on wood floor. If you wear them outside for a long time, their ruined. If you ever wonder why everybody elses cheer shoes look so much better and whiter than yours, (if you have multiple big stains of brown on your shoes) START BEGGING FOR *REAL* RUNNING SHOES. Please I am a cheer coach i cant stress enough about my girls shoes. Parents if your reading this, you NEED to get your kid a pair of real tennies now. Thank you. I hope this gave you some helpful info.