A uniform normally includes a team shirt, either shorts or a skirt, and socks. You should also have a mouthguard, shinguards and proper footwear; many opt to wear gloves for either protection or grip as well.
if you play on grass, cleats are obviously the best choice, but when you where sneakers you can where any kind but NIKE SHOCKS. The hole in their bottom get caught in the grass and make you fall, and you can actually end up with a twisted ankle.
If you play on artificial surface, there are often shoes especially designed for it; they have soles covered in very small studs which grip the threads well. Otherwise, a good pair of sneakers or sportshoes will do.
You should wear cleats to play Field Hockey if you are playing on a grass field. If you are playing indoors you should wear sneakers. If you are on artificial turf you should wear turf shoes and if you don't have turf shoes you should wear sneakers. But sneakers wouldn't be a good idea because you slide EVERYWHERE.
Depends whether or not you're gonna be playing on turf or an actual field.
If you play on turf you will need turf shoes. You could wear sneakers but you'd be slipping and sliding everywhere. Iv'e heard that cleats are banned from most turf fields because they damage it. If you play on an actual field then you would need cleats. Sneakers work too, but you would also be slipping and sliding everywhere. I would recommend buying some Nike or Adidas soccer cleats or actual field hockey brand names like Dita. If you were to buy soccer cleats you would have to watch out because if you get hit in the foot, it won't have much protection. I remember my first year in 7th grade I played with regular sneakers and I was sliding everywhere!
Except goal-keepers no other players wear face or eye protection.
In youth programs, you are required to wear googles. In high school too, you are required to wear goggles. In college and professional, you are not required to wear googles. Personally, I don't like wearing googles because I can't see as much.
No, lacrosse is not the same thing as field hockey. In field hockey you use a stick with a curved base on the ground and hit it to your team mate, or you can dribble it up the field. The goal in field hockey is much bigger than a lacrosse goal. In lacrosse you throw and catch a ball using a stick with a net and you can run with the ball in you stick. Lacrosse is a much faster paced game too. In lacrosse you wear eye protection and a mouth guard, in field hockey you wear shin guards and a mouth guard. Both sports are really fun.
I have the same question! I think you should check with your coach before you make your decision.
I will tell you the ones i know of. Mini hockey is only played in a half of a hockey field, or even smaller, and there are 8 that play. Field hockey is played full field (the whole hockey field) and you have 11 players that play (including the goalkeeper). They are both similar in that they both play with hockey sticks and they are still a type of hockey. The same rules apply in both.
The goalie is most likely to wear throat protection.
Most leagues and competitions require that females wear skirts, but there is nothing in the rules of hockey that says a player must wear one. only girls if they want to
Not all field hockey players wear skirts, to begin with. Very few female players wear bodysuits either. There are plenty of better solutions than a one-piece item which does not do everything it is needed for.
Goalies wear the same types of shoe as every other player.
Yes, they used to use old cricket pads and later helmets.
Skateboarding Biking Hockey
They should, but it's not against the law (I don't think) to not wear eye protection.